Monday 30 December 2013

44 oz any one?

One thing Stephannie missed since the move to England is a little drive-thru coffee shop in the USA called Big Foot, they  make a great dairy free chai latte. Given paper work issues we were not able to travel to the USA, but her father said he would pick her up a latte when he went to get gas. Stephannie came home to find a 44 oz chai latte! (It took her three days to drink it)

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

This early morning photo says it all...may you enjoy Christmas like it was your first. May it be full of awe and wonder like the lights on a tree.

Friday 20 December 2013

Aria's First Day and Snow Day in Canada

We woke up early given we were all still on Cambridge time, so we thought we would enjoy the Canadian winter wonderland.

How we have missed the snow, and hope that there will be more  of it while we are here to enjoy. Going to walk to the local coffee shop and test out Aria's new stroller and rain/snow cover. Thanks to family for the early Christmas gift.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Our bags are we come Canada

Here are some time photos from our very long trip to Canada for Chirstmas.
Stephannie and Aria ready for the first of two train trips, surprisingly the suitcase worked ok to help move Aria around, but both hands were on the car seat.

The girls waiting for the second train which only stops for 90 seconds, to let people on and off. We did with just a little bit of luck get all the things and us on the train before the doors closed.

 Brendan and Aria on the second train, Aria was having fun looking at everything going flying by.

Dee Dee, Aria's toy dragon was taking part in air plane safety.

Multi-tasking? Aria is in a  Flyebaby  hammock, which allowed us to watch a movie and spend some face to face time with Aria.

Saturday 14 December 2013

How will Santa get in?

In all the years that Stephannie and Brendan have been married they only had one place without a fireplace, but that Christmas they were at families to Santa had a way to get to them. With it being Aria's first Christmas how were the stockings going to be hung by the fire with care if there was no fireplace?

What happens when you have a bunch of boxes from baby furniture, Amazon orders and moving and you add a teacher/artist and engineer? You  get a home made fireplace!
Aria was checking that Daddy was measuring twice and cutting once.

"Where is the end of the tape?"

End result....drum roll please....

New fireplace, decked out for Christmas and sporting our Lego winter village (new family tradition, added to each year). Aria dreaming of sugarplums???

(Looks like it will be a green one)