Sunday, 30 June 2013


After our busy Friday and Saturday of moving and cleaning the old and new space we helped our friend Richard into London with his many bags as he prepares to return to Canada after his year of studying in Cambridge.

Once the bags were delivered we went on a dinosaur hunt, as rumor had it Jamie Oliver had opened a pop-up diner with a dinosaur theme!
Yes Stephannie did try the ribs, with a side of avocado fries and they we dino-icious!

We even had a dinosaur join us for dinner, the sign says not to feed, but he looked so hungry!
 Here is one of the great posters that was around the restaurant, for all my tea lovers.

Friday, 28 June 2013

More boxes again!

Sadly we had to move, so even though our front door is not blue we are setting up our new home in Impington, which is just North of Cambridge city center.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Side trip to Texas!

After only being back in Canada a week we took a side trip further south to Brenham, Texas to take part and celebrate the wedding of Trevor & Magen. While there we saw some interesting wild life. Armadillos, buzzards, and tarantulas oh my!

Stephannie and Brendan had the honour of standing up as part of the wedding party on Trevor's side as grooms-matron and best man.

Congratulations Magen & Trevor!

Once back in Canada we spent more time with family and friends, and then we were off and back to the air port to fly back to jolly old England.